
"The Secret Forest" Work In Progress by C. Twomey

WIP of the secret forest. The intriguing thing about the distant light is that’s a wall of falling water that feeds the creek. Where bears roam. 18 x 24” oil on linen panel.

Oil, 18 X 24”, the forest below the dam. Where bears roam.

Studio Sale on etsy.com (catherinetwomeyart.etsy.com) Now!

Lots of "Thank you's (or youse)" lately to the wonderful people who support my artistic efforts and purchase my prints and/or original artwork. You're inspirational, motivational and downright kind! Grateful - more so than you can imagine. Etsy: catherinetwomeyart.etsy.com

Catherine Twomey Contributes to a PAPA PBS Documentary

As a member of Preserving A Picturesque America (https://preservationthroughart.org/) yesterday I joined three other plein air painters at the Biltmore Estate on the Wisteria Terrace. As we painted we were filmed and then interviewed about our work and PAPA for an upcoming PBS Documentary. It was a most spectacular day, fortunately, and although I have almost no memory of what I said in the interview, I hope I did PAPA proud - I know they make me proud.

Painting, getting filmed and interviewed for a PBS documentary this morning at Biltmore. Four plein air painters for Preserving a Picturesque America hard at work.

Jeff the cameraman from LA, preparing to shoot with his 30# camera.

The wisteria that captured my heart and eye; along with Mt. Pisgah.

Almost finished, always one more thing to do....9 X 12" oil on Artefex canvas over aluminum panel with Michael Harding oils.

Randy Highbee Gallery Show Participant!

The very competitive show is an annual event, with nationally-recognized artists and a wide variety of works. The works are framed and ready to hang.


My work has been accepted into the Randy Highbee 6X6" Squared competition. Please click:


to view my work and/or purchase it. Thanks for your interest!

Randy Highbee Gallery 6X6" Squared Art Show!


Excited to be a part of this show! Three paintings now on exhibit and available for purchase. This is "Balls of Glass" (get it?) and is framed in a beautiful gold floater frame, ready to hang. 

Here's my link for purchasing:


Thank you for your interest!

Award Winning Gallery Represented STUDIO SALE Artist C. Twomey

ANNUAL STUDIO SALE!!! Original oil paintings by an award winning, gallery-represented artist:

Click HERE

"East Fall Blue Ridge 4.0" by C. Twomey 

"East Fall Blue Ridge 4.0" by C. Twomey 

Eight different equine/horse prints are available for sale


"DaVinci Canter Revealed" print

"DaVinci Canter Revealed" print

Questions? Please feel free to contact me at catherine@catherinetwomey.com

Thank you!


"Appearently So" A Trio of Boscs, Original Oil by C. Twomey

"Appearently So" by C. Twomey, 9 X 12" original oil

"Appearently So" by C. Twomey, 9 X 12" original oil

It's that time of year, and I found this trio of Bosc pears at the local grocery and had to paint them. I loved the spots, and the orangish glow throughout. The paint is lush; the colors strong and beautifully, carefully layered. This is an original oil, sized 12'W X 9"H. It is painted on archival linen from RayMar.

My painting process is to first layer in a warm color, like burnt sienna, onto white linen canvas. With that thin layer still wet, I wipe out the lightest areas, which later provides luminosity and usually is enough to define the shapes. Next, I apply the lightest and then darkest areas, which helps to establish the values and colors. Finally middle tones and more detailed areas are applied, always looking to harmonize the colors, refine the drawing and focus on the center of interest.

The painting has been varnished and will be carefully packaged by me. Please note that the painting is not framed.

BREAKING NEWS! I’ve just been notified that three of my paintings have been accepted for the highly competitive Randy Highbee 6X6 Squared exhibition in Los Angeles, CA. I'm very honored and excited to participate in this show featuring top nationwide artists.

About Me

I've been painting since 2008. Up until then, I honed my drawing and painting skills by practicing as a Certified Medical Illustrator. My blogs have been viewed by over 70,000 people worldwide, and I have over 2,000 followers on Facebook on Catherine Twomey Art. 

I proud and happy to write that I've just been notified that three of my paintings have been accepted for the highly competitive Randy Highbee 6X6 Squared exhibition in Los Angeles, CA. I'm very honored and excited to participate in this show featuring top nationwide artists.

My paintings are of a variety of subjects and sizes, ranging from 4 X5" up to 18 X 24" or greater. Each painting is carefully considered, sometimes in a series or in a similar approach to the subject matter. What's most important is that each painting is defined by the moment it is created. Whether it reflects a mood, or a moment, or something so beautiful it had to be painted; my soul goes into each stroke, color choice, composition and execution. Having studied Japanese Art for my Master's Thesis, I instinctively incorporate the Japanese respect for careful presentation and finishing, personally varnishing and packaging the work

My artwork has been featured at the world renowned TED (Technology, Education and Design) conference (TED MED in San Diego, on huge high definition screens throughout the exhibition center).


I accept Paypal payments. This painting is currently drying, so it won't be shipped for about three weeks. I personally varnish, wrap and ship the painting to ensure a successful delivery.

Additional recent news: 

• Accepted into the highly competitive Randy Highbee 6X6 Squared exhibition in Los Angeles, CA

• Medicine Illuminated Exhibition at the Lloyd Museum; 2015: Juried exhibition from the museum's collection.

• Finalist in the Giliola Gamerini Award International Competition, 2015. 

• My oil paintings were featured on the inside cover and an article spread of Wine & Country Living magazine; the paintings were purchased for the publisher's collection and magazine featured at Barnes and Noble Booksellers, 2015. In addition,

• I won the nationally acclaimed ArtInPlace competition in Virginia which placed a 12' X 24' mural on aluminum of my work, now seen by thousands of commuters daily. 

• Two museums currently house my art: The William H. Benton Museum in Connecticut, and The LLoyd Museum in Cincinnati, Ohio. It was a great honor to be asked to exhibit and I continue to add to their collections. Speaking of collections, my work is a part of hundreds of private collections worldwide.

• Medicine Illuminated Exhibition at the Lloyd Museum; 2015: Juried exhibition from the museum's collection.

• The Lloyd Museum now has over 100 original pieces of my artwork in it’s collection.