
Annual Equestrian Print Sale in on Now!

NOW is the time to purchase these extraordinary, award winning, accurate equestrian prints. Please click:


to take advantage of the annual discount. For more information about the artist, please click:


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"DaVinci Horse Canter" by C. Twomey, enlargement

"DaVinci Horse Canter" by C. Twomey, enlargement

Goodbye, Mr. Killian

Thoroughbred thoroughly thru and thruKillian's Red, the best thoroughbred in the world

Killian's PortraitKillian's gallup

Goodbye, Mr. Killian. Thank you for bringing such joy into so many lives, especially Lizzie's. Thanks for patiently letting me learn how to ride, and to finally learn a soft hand and quiet mind. You were the best horse in the entire world, and you are already sorely missed. I will remember us best cantering thru the fields of wheat without a worry in the world, free and as one. And I'm really glad I didn't name you Fabio: for you were always a Killian's Red, a true Irish thoroughbred.

Snowstorm Dappled Gray Horse

Went dog walking (leaping) through the snow yesterday. I'm lucky enough to have a horse farm in the back yard, and I came across this guy who just struck me as insanely beautiful against the snow heavy trees and pond. I loved how he just kept looking at me; I can never get horses to do that when I want them to....

To order prints of this and other work, please visit here.

Wickers The Warmblood Finished & Framed

Framed, varnished and ready to deliver.light washes and color

Finally finished up the portrait of the lovely Wickers the Warmblood. Wicker's owner is very pleased with how the portrait turned out, which makes it all worthwhile. I've included the very early wash-in phase of the painting on the right. The basic elements of light and dark followed through to the finish.

It would have been very easy to take the detail too far. I primarily wanted to capture her beautiful, soft eye in the sun.

A Horse of a Difference Color

Wickers the Warmblood getting towards the final painting.Labels showing what's going to be done next.

The portrait of Wickers is coming along. I'm starting to be satisfied with the masses that have been built up. On the right the labels show where I have concerns and more work to do.

I've grayed some of the areas away from Wicker's face, such as the mane area and lower shoulders and leg. I'm going to add more color into the face to draw more attention.
It's fun to look at the progress:

Notice also that I've taken the liberty to reduce the size of Wicker's eyelashes. They really are long and beautiful, but cast in the sunlight they made her look like she was sleeping. Artistic license.