
"Buck Mountain Vineyard No. 2", oil, Twomey

C. Twomey original oil
Buck Mountain Vineyard No.1

This original oil painting, "Buck Mountain Vineyard No.2" will be available for sale on September 13th and 20th at the Arts Rivanna Tour, in and around Earlysville, VA. It is 6 X 6", and is framed in a beautiful handmade frame.

I was driving down Buck Mountain Rd., about 2 miles from where I live, and came around a curve to this unforgettable site. There wasn't much room for painting, but I got it done and can't help revisiting the moment every time I paint it. Vineyards are popping up all over here, and they bring endless painting possibilities.

The tour will be Saturday, September 13th & 20th, beginning at 10:00 am. If you're needing directions to the Arts Rivanna Tour, see the following. I'll be located at the studio in the middle, off of Advance Mills Road near Fray Road. Hope to meet you then!

"Strawberry Eggplant Locked" Original Oil

Original Oil by Catherine Twomey
Stawberry Eggplant Locked by C. Twomey
Having just returned from a workshop in Sedona, Arizona, I immediately started a painting that would highlight what I'd learned. The terrific instructor was Abbey Ryan. She was prepared, patient and thorough throughout the workshop, which lasted one week. We even were located very close to a 20,000 acre unconfined wildfire, but we continued undaunted.

What was most informative about the workshop was learning that the skills I'd developed over the last thirty years as a medical illustrator translate over to oil painting. What a joy to be able to control the paint, using layering and coloring to control the emotion and focus of the painting. Abbey helped me a great deal with how to use and hold the brush as well as how to logically work my way through a painting to achieve what I intended.

There is much to be said for devoting myself completely to art for a set amount of intensive time. I was surrounded by fellow artists all looking for inspiration and progress, and the support we willed to each other was amazing.

Tomorrow, June 10, this original oil will be offered for sale at auction

The painting is sold unframed. The image below shows how the painting may look if framed:

Original oil by Catherine Twomey

Thank you, and thank you Abbey!

"Deer Skull With Aura", Sold

by Catherine Twomey
Deer Skull With Aura

The dogs and I were hiking through the woods - which can be pretty wild here in the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains. Moxie the red dog joyfully brought me this magical find. I cleaned it in bleach and set it up to paint. Lo and behold, it more than spoke to me thru the oils. I spent a long, long time on it - medical illustrator that I was - exploring the sutures, eye sockets, foramen, orifices and so on; so it began to take on a new, mystical life. Hence, the slight aura emanating from the top. It's a straight-on expression of curiosity and structure that seeped into my soul.

The Latin name for white tailed deer is odocoileus virginianus. Quite a mouthful. I prefer Deer Skull With Aura. 

The second I showed this to a friend, he bought it. I painted the majority of this at the end of the winter, feeling blue and out of sorts. It's one of the pieces that's either a love or a hate. It's going into the hands of someone who will love it.

Huckstep's Store Oil Painting

Original 5" X 7" Oil on linen board, C. Twomey
Working on a new series, starting with the iconic Huckstep's Garage and Store in Free Union, VA. Just to get there is a pleasure. I head west along Buck Mountain Road, which is on a high ridge overlooking the Blue Ridge Mountains on either side. Rolling farmland, critters in the fields, the sun baking the grape vines - all of this leads to the charming and somewhat dissolving village of Free Union.

Having worked on computers since 1978 (Apple II), I've worked a lot with the Filter Gallery. I realize that it is influencing and helping to infuse my paintings with light that I control - light that can suggest a nostalgia, a dreaminess unlike anything else. This exploration is how I arrived at this view of Huckstep's - real, but not quite; a play on emotions and longing for the way things were.