If a painting could capture a day, this one did. It was blustery (hang on to the easel kind of blustery), and there were thunderstorms all around as I painted. The sun flashed in and out, illuminating the bright greens of the island’s trees as well as the backdrop. It’s hard to describe the joy of such a moment, other than to say it makes you feel as alive as you’ve ever been. Two hours to get it all down, get it right, and not get hit by lightning.
"Island Edge" Oil by Catherine Twomey
There is a definite wonder in going to the trouble of painting outside. Everything about the experience is fresher, cleaner (unless you step on your solvent jar, which I just did) and the colors are unmatched. Yes, the weather was somewhat dangerous with thunderstorms all around this lake. However, knowing that, I felt highly charged to choose my painting spot, quickly decide on the composition and squint for optimal color matching. The sun poked in and out; lots of people walking by wanted to talk - but I had to focus and get it down instinctively and purely. And so it goes.