Ebay Auction Original Oil Painting

Twomey oil painting original
Strawberry Eggplant Locked, 5 X 7" Original Oil
This original 5 X 7" oil painting is now at auction. Having just returned from a workshop in Sedona, Arizona, I immediately started a painting that would highlight what I'd learned. The terrific instructor was Abbey Ryan. She was prepared, patient and thorough throughout the workshop, which lasted one week. We even were located very close to a 20,000 acre unconfined wildfire, but we continued undaunted.

What was most informative about the workshop was learning that the skills I'd developed over the last thirty years as a medical illustrator translate over to oil painting. What a joy to be able to control the paint, using layering and coloring to control the emotion and focus of the painting. Abbey helped me a great deal with how to use and hold the brush as well as how to logically work my way through a painting to achieve what I intended.

The painting is offered unframed. Here is a sample of what it would look like framed:

"Strawberry Eggplant Locked" Original Oil

Original Oil by Catherine Twomey
Stawberry Eggplant Locked by C. Twomey
Having just returned from a workshop in Sedona, Arizona, I immediately started a painting that would highlight what I'd learned. The terrific instructor was Abbey Ryan. She was prepared, patient and thorough throughout the workshop, which lasted one week. We even were located very close to a 20,000 acre unconfined wildfire, but we continued undaunted.

What was most informative about the workshop was learning that the skills I'd developed over the last thirty years as a medical illustrator translate over to oil painting. What a joy to be able to control the paint, using layering and coloring to control the emotion and focus of the painting. Abbey helped me a great deal with how to use and hold the brush as well as how to logically work my way through a painting to achieve what I intended.

There is much to be said for devoting myself completely to art for a set amount of intensive time. I was surrounded by fellow artists all looking for inspiration and progress, and the support we willed to each other was amazing.

Tomorrow, June 10, this original oil will be offered for sale at auction

The painting is sold unframed. The image below shows how the painting may look if framed:

Original oil by Catherine Twomey

Thank you, and thank you Abbey!

Artisan's Studio Tour: Earlysville, VA

Hope you can make it to the Artisan's Studio Tour which is coming up November 10 - 11. 

Studio Four, Mud Dauber Pottery will have my paintings on display, with some new paintings including the following:

Preddy Creek, Albemarle, Va, by Catherine Twomey
Preddy Creek Albemarle Residents
The tour is a lot of fun and gives you the opportunity to meet the artists as well as see them at work. You can also buy quality crafted work, support local businesses and enjoy food and drinks, all at the same time!

Twomey Show Hanging

I don't quite know if saying "I'm going to hang today" is the best omen, but that's what I'll be doing! The show at Mud Dauber Pottery goes up today for the Opening Reception tomorrow. 

So given the busyness of the next two days, here's my last post until I can take a breather. It's a tribute to Suzanne Crane at Mud Dauber, and her willingness to take a chance on me and my work by letting it show along with her extraordinary ceramics.

Macro close-up of one of Suzanne's Plates
Macro Glaze Dauber (oil)
For years I stared at cells through a microscope, and I always loved the abstractions that would appear. Looking very closely at a Crane plate I cherish, it was the beautiful shapes, glaze colors and rhythms that appeared in Sue's work that sucked me in. 

Thanks Ms. Crane, more than you know.

Twomey's Blue Ridge Blue Road

Off of Skyline Drive in Shenandoah National Park, there’s a steep but worth it trail. I hiked up there with my paints and easel to find lots of happy peeps taking in the outrageously beautiful fall view. That blue road is Skyline Drive meandering through the ridges. What a day. Hawksbill Mountain has an elevation of 4,050 feet. The summit of Hawksbill Mountain is the highest point in Shenandoah National Park, Virginia.

"You Have A Gorgeous Mug"

Photo: "You Have A Gorgeous Mug" was inspired by Suzanne Crane's lovely ceramics. I bought a group of these mugs and have given them away as gifts, so I thought: "You love it -Paint it!". This 4 X 4" framed oil painting will be available at my upcoming One Person Show at Mud Dauber Pottery, 4225 Earlysville Road in Earlysville, VA.

The show will run from Oct. 13 thru Jan. 1, 2013.

You Have A Gorgeous Mug

"You Have A Gorgeous Mug" was inspired by Suzanne Crane's lovely ceramics

I bought a group of these mugs and have given them away as gifts, so I thought: "You love it -Paint it!".  There's something magical about the colors and precision that Suzanne uses to produce her work. It is an honor to be featured at her store and to be given this opportunity to collaborate.

This 4 X 4" framed oil painting will be available at my upcoming One Person Show at Mud Dauber Pottery, 4225 Earlysville Road in Earlysville, VA.

This work is in a beautiful and unusual frame called a "floater frame". It allows the painting to wrap around the canvas sides and still be visible. It also helps a small painting like this make a big impact. The show will run from Oct. 13 thru Jan. 1, 2013.