Artist Statement 

The majesty and beauty of the fragile earth is a muse - if I can capture its depth, energy and preciousness, I can share that and heighten awareness of it’s fleeting uniqueness. The ethereal, soft and dramatic sequences of paint I apply suggest rapidly changing light; earthly upheavals; uncontrolled forces.

The fluid paint has a mind of its own; yet in subtle ways it can be directed for the better of the whole. Rather than trying to control every aspect of the pigments, I find it much more enjoyable to let the paint find its own way, like water does as it forms a stream or mountains do as they respond to internal forces in undulate shapes and sizes. 

Painting provides a sense of peace and productivity that is unmatched. I feel a profound reverence for nature and have a heightened sense of urgency driving me to engage people through my work. I immerse myself in natural surroundings, finding a deep connection to the mountains, the waterfalls, oceans and skies. 

First I hike, paint plein air, then take observations back to the studio to create a personal response to the experience. I seek to prompt people to relish their interactions with nature and the world: politically, physically and emotionally. Ultimately, I want my work to elicit a positive, meditative response in the viewer, leaving them with positive feelings about the earth and its extraordinary fragile beauty.

Catherine Twomey Curriculum Vitae


2008 - 2024 Continuing Fine Art Education via workshops with esteemed masters such as Kevin MacPherson, Abbey Ryan, Ingrid Christensen and Quang Ho. 

1984 - 2018 Continuing Art Education and Medical Education (CME) for Certification and Professional Memberships.

1982 B.S. in Biocommunication Arts/Medical Illustration, University of Illinois; Chicago, IL, U. of I. Medical School Sciences: human gross anatomy, physiology, neuroanatomy, histology, embryology, pathology.

1980 Northwestern University, Evanston, IL, pre-med courses in anatomy, physiology.

1978 M.S. in Art Education, Summa Cum Laude, Northern Illinois University Graduate School, DeKalb, IL

1974 B.S. in Art Education, Northern Illinois University, DeKalb, IL


2025: Represented by Woolworth Walk Gallery, Haywood St., Asheville, NC.

2024: “Art In Bloom” juried exhibition, The Gallery At Flat Rock, Flat Rock, NC.

2024: “North Carolina Arboretum” Group Exhibition as a part the Azalea Festival.

2024: “Leicester Studio Tour” invitational exhibition at Olivette Community, Asheville, August, 2024.

2023 “Humans And Nature” the Center for Humans and Nature ( award for six of my works to be published in 2023. A version of ‘Accelerating’ first appeared in a publication of the Center for Humans and Nature Press and is revised and reprinted here with permission of the Center for Humans and Nature Press.

2023: International gallery, has named my work “Maple Ridge Craggy Gardens” to their Fall Harvest Collection.This piece is in oil on an archival panel. For additional information, please visit:

2023 “Saluda Studios Grand Opening” - Artwork represented as a part of Preserving a Picturesque America (PAPA) new gallery located in Saluda, NC.

2022 “Legends of the Moon”; Group Show with ERA Contemporary Gallery, Philadelphia. Artwork part of gallery show and will be digitized, then sent to the moon in a time capsule as a part of the Lunar Codex, Polaris Mission, NASA.

2022 “The Women’s Show”; Group Show with Martin House Gallery, Blowing Rock, North Carolina.

2022 One Person Show, The Village Gallery, Oriental, North Carolina.

2022 Preserving a Picturesque America Exhibition. Works are on offer at the Preserving a Picturesque America booth at the Marquee, Asheville (in the River Arts District): 36 Foundy Street, Asheville, NC 28801.

2020 Artwork added to the collection of the Asheville Art Museum, Asheville, North Carolina.

2020 Artwork curated into the “National Juried Show” in Knoxville, TN, The Emporium in the Arts District of Knoxville.

2019 Artwork accepted into the Mission Hospital for Advanced Medicine Call for Artists – Celebrating Art and Culture permanent collection, Asheville, NC

2019 Artwork curated into the “Roadside USA” exhibition at the i.d.e.a. Museum in Mesa, Arizona, from June – October, 2019

2018 Bank of the Arts Exhibition, Gallery, New Bern, North Carolina, Group Show

2018 Craven Arts National Show, Gallery, New Bern, North Carolina, Group Show

2018 Randy Higbee 6X6” Squared, Gallery, Costa Mesa, California, Group Show

2018 Juried online exhibition, online gallery, London, England, Group Show

2016 Charlottesville North Artists Show, Art Walk/Tour, Charlottesville, Virginia, Group Show

2016 Catherine Twomey Archives, Over 100 original pieces, Lloyd Museum, Cincinnati, OH, Solo Exhibition

2015 Catherine Twomey Solo, Mud Dauber Gallery, Earlysville, VA Solo Exhibition

2015 Medicine Illuminated Exhibition, Lloyd Museum, Cincinnati, OH, Juried Group Show

2015 Giliola Gamerini Award International Competition, University in Florence, Italy. Group Show

2015 TED, TEDMED, Technology, Education and Design Conference, San Diego, Group Show

2014 Illustration Illuminated, William H. Benton Art Museum, Storrs, CT, Group Show

2007 17th Annual International Exhibition of Animals in Art, University of Louisiana Veterinary School, gallery, Group Show


2024: Juried into “Art In Bloom” at The Gallery At Flat Rock, Flat Rock, NC.

2023 “Humans And Nature” the Center for Humans and Nature ( award for six of works to be published in 2023. A version of ‘Accelerating’ first appeared in a publication of the Center for Humans and Nature Press and is revised and reprinted here with permission of the Center for Humans and Nature Press.

2023 Saluda Studios, Saluda, NC. Representation of artwork.

2023:: International gallery Singulartcom, has named my work “Maple Ridge Craggy Gardens” to their Fall Harvest Collection.This piece is in oil on an archival panel. For additional information, please visit:

2022 Juried into the Era Contemporary Gallery, Philadelphia, PA “Legends of the Moon” Exhibition. Artwork will be included in a time capsule and sent to the moon as a part of the NASA Lunar Codex, Polaris Mission

2022 Martin House Gallery, Blowing Rock, NC. Representation of artwork.

2022 Curated into online collection and gallery; Paris, France

2019 Artwork accepted into the Mission Hospital for Advanced Medicine Call for Artists – Celebrating Art and Culture permanent collection, Asheville, NC

2019 Artwork curated into the “Roadside USA” exhibition at the i.d.e.a. Museum in Mesa, Arizona, from June – October, 2019

2019 Artwork sold and exhibited via the Kenilworth Art Association

2018 Bank of the Arts Exhibition, Gallery, New Bern, North Carolina, Group Show

2018 Craven Arts National Show, Gallery, New Bern, North Carolina, Group Show

2018 Randy Higbee 6X6” Squared, Gallery, Costa Mesa, California, Group Show

2015 Wine & Country Living, magazine; paintings purchased for the publisher's collection and magazine featured at Barnes and Noble Booksellers.

2010 ArtInPlace Mural Competition ( Charlottesville, Virginia; Barracks Road, Charlottesville, 12 X 24' on Aluminum

2009 Fellow of the Association of Medical Illustrators (FAMI)

2007 DaVinci Horse, Winner of the American Horse Publications Annual Awards, United States Dressage Federation, magazine cover

2007 Association of Medical Illustrators, Bozeman, MT, Salon judge and presenter

2006 - 2016 OTIS: Organ Transplant Information Systems, Roche Pharmaceuticals,  Basel, Switzerland, Award-winning program distributed worldwide for heart, lungs, liver and additional transplant patient education

2004 Illustrators Partnership of America, Founding member, (Top 100 Illustrators nationally)

2003 The Guide to Equine Electrolytes: What Every Owner and Trainer Should Know, American Horse Show Association "Buy" review of 

2000 International Museum of Surgical Science, juried invitational show

1998 Concepts in Biology, Association of Medical Illustrators, Award of Excellence; 

1995 Best of Medical Art, The RX Club/Art Directors Club, NYC,  Award of Excellence

1993 Human Anatomy, Association of Medical Illustrators, Award of Excellence

1993 Biology: Visualizing Life, Association of Medical Illustrators, Award of Excellence 

1992 The Year In Medical Art,The RX Club/Art Directors Club of New York City; Award of Excellence

1990 Human Anatomy and Physiology, Association of Medical Illustrators, Award of Excellence


Era Contemporary Gallery “Legends of the Moon” Exhibition, Philadelphia, PA.. Artwork will be included in a time capsule and sent to the moon as a part of the NASA Lunar Codex, Polaris Mission

Private collections throughout the United States and International.

2019 Artwork accepted into the Mission Hospital for Advanced Medicine Call for Artists – Celebrating Art and Culture permanent collection, Asheville, NC

2019 Artwork curated into the “Roadside USA” exhibition at the i.d.e.a. Museum in Mesa, Arizona, from June – October, 2019

Catherine Twomey Archives, Over 100 original pieces, Lloyd Museum, Cincinnati, OH

Illustration Illuminated, William H. Benton Art Museum, Storrs, CT

Abbott Corporation Collection, Abbott Laboratories, Abbott Park, IL

Sanofi Winthrop Corporation Collection, Sanofi Winthrop Pharmaceuticals, Bridgewater, NJ

Wine & Country Publications, Charlottesville, VA


Asheville Area Arts Coalition

Asheville Art Museum

Asheville Equine Therapy 

Asheville Urban Landscape Painters

Artists Rights Society (ARS)

Association of Medical Illustrators, Fellow (AMI)

Illustrators Partnership

Kenilworth Artist’s Association

Computers 4 Kids (volunteer)

Martha Jefferson Hospital (patient advocate, volunteer)

Preserving A Picturesque America


The Lunar Codex, 2022, Polaris Mission, NASA, time capsule.

Ekphrastic 2018, Bank of the Arts National Juried Exhibition and Poetry, 12/2018, book.

Wine and Country Living Magazine. Landscape paintings purchased by the publisher and featured in the magazine. 2014. Quarterly periodical.

Artsyshark, Featured Showcase artist, website:

Connection, publication of the United States Dressage Foundation (USDF), 2007, monthly magazine, cover illustration.

Catherine Twomey, author; Forbes, “Amendment May Orphan Creative Artists, Says Illustrators Partnership of America,” March 08, 2006, Online article.

Article on…/catherine-twomey-diverse-paintings…/

Catherine Twomey, author; Journal of Visual Communication in Medicine, UK, The 62nd Annual Conference of the Association of Medical Illustrators, Bozeman, MT, July 18 – 21, 2007, journal.

National Science Foundation, National Institute of Health (NIH), online website and journal articles, stem cell illustrations.

Wisconsin and Dallas Law Firms.  Evidentiary illustrations of complex injuries, courtroom posters.

The Complete Guide to Equine Electrolytes. Equine illustrations, book.

HemoTherapies, Inc. Series of web and print illustrations of the liver (cellular to gross) for the first FDA-approved liver dialysis medical device. Website and print.

Allina Healthcare Patient Education Program.  WebTV-Internet interactive database and educational program designed to manage home based CHF patients. Website and print.  

Cardiac Solutions Congestive Heart Failure Patient Monitoring Program. Internet based interactive educational program for managing home care of CHF patients. Internet, website.

CareMonitor HIMSS launch program. Design and production, corporate identity pieces for HIMSS conference, including marketing materials, exhibit booth photography, and an interactive Internet based demo. 

Harcourt Brace Publishers. Series of full color medical illustrations, science textbook.

Headcount, contract employment company, interactive marketing program for inter- and intranet.

Healthworld Intranet Website, medical advertising agency. Creation of a 150+ frame internal site for international use.

Clinical Challenges in Decompensated Advanced Heart Failure, Sanofi-Winthrop Pharmaceuticals, CD-ROM distributed to sales force and physicians internationally.

Pfizer Pharmaceuticals Interactive Sales Training Program for Zoloft. Depression:  Diagnosis and Treatment, 1992. Interactive multimedia program, CDROM. 

Procardia.  Pfizer Pharmaceuticals cardiovascular sales training program. Print.

World Book Medical Encyclopedia, interactive multimedia CD-ROM program.  

Female Reproductive System, U. S. Department of Veterans’ Affairs Field Training Program. Print. 

The American Journal of Cardiology, Periodical/Journal, Cover illustration.

Resident and Staff Physician, Periodical/Journal, Cover illustration.

Medline, “Safe Suctioning Guide”. Infant suctioning tube and connector. 1988. Medical device physician support poster.

NBC/HOME Show, illustrations on female reproduction and ultrasounds. TV. 

Self Magazine, article on female reproduction and ultrasounds including illustrations, monthly national publication.

A.M.I. News, National Feature Editor. Print.

Lutheran General Hospital, Park Ridge, Illinois. Acetabular Deterioration Series of Illustrations. Slide show.

Rush University Hospital, Chicago, Il. Left and inferior views of brain patch. 1983. Patient education brochure.

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